티스토리 뷰

1. Launch Excel 97 on your workstation.
2. Select Tools --> Add-Ins from the menu.
3. Remove the old add-in version by unchecking the box next to "Ddocstartup." You may see a warning ""Cannot find add-in <filename>. Delete from list?" to which you should answer okay.
4. Click the Browse button. Browse to the install directory and select the new add-in file ddocstartup.xla. You may receive a warning that there is already an add-in with that name.
5. Click OK. The Ddocstartup add-in should now appear in the Add-Ins list with a checkmark beside its name.
6. Restart Excel 97.

위 내용이 원본 내용이며,

간단히 말하면....

우선 잘되는 사용자의 ddocstartup.xla를 가져온다.

그리고, 엑셀을 실행후  도구 --> 추가기능 --> 찾아보기 를 이용해서 가져온 부분을 체크하여 추가한다.

그리고 엑셀 실행하여 테스트^^ 성공

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